<body> Warning! This is not a diary! Read at your own risk!
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An Introduction To A Random Dude

ITE College East

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Dudes & Dudettes

Hello! To whoever actually follows this blog of mine. It's March 22 2010 and I just got food-raped.

That's right. Food-raped.

"WTF?!?!?!? Food raped?? WTF is that?" you may ask. I shall try my best to elaborate what that peculiar term means.

It simply means being forced copious amounts of food all at once without the chance to take a breather....imagine eating racks of different types of meat all at once. All these great hunks of perfectly charred & salted roasts being cut up and served on your plate by smiling waiters. All that is accompanied with free flow of pasta, salads, ice cream.

A dream, you might say.

I say.......FUCK!!!

"WTF??!?!?! Then just tell them you don't want, lah."

Well.....being a sucker for good roasts of meat of all sorts, telling me to say no to such succulent cuts would be sacrilegious! Absurd! Dumb?

That's why I was food raped. Hah.

For adventurers of that sort, here's the link to the site:


6:58 PM <3

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dudes & Dudettes,

Before I start, here's a link of something somewhat interesting:


Honestly....what kind of songs are created that invoke a mixed bag of feelings all at once....well, that's for me that is.

Anyway....I'm fucking stoked today.


It all started with a 1 hour jam. The equipment's crap, I was late and the jam studio's toilet smelled sort of funky. But damnit, that was one of the sweetest reprieves of the week. It's weird, judging that the jam was only about an hour. And it's just 4 people in a room making 'noise', as dubbed by the inexperienced and ignorant.

But damn.....that 1 hour felt as good as scratching your nether regions in public. I was damn relieved that the dude I found on a forum was good........he doesn't reach my expectations in terms of vocal precision but he does put in the effort. And unlike countless other musicians, he's honest of what he's capable of. I've definetly seem and jammed with better people but this is Singapore. We're not world renowned for our opera singers/excellent video games/country policies.

We're renowned for our efficiency at work.

No play.

There's something to think about, dudes and dudettes.

12:06 AM <3

Monday, March 15, 2010

Dudes & Dudettes,

I tell myself this everytime I visit this decrepit waste of bandwidth I call my blog; update this.

But due to foreseeable consequences, I've decided to stop for a while (some may say totally stop bot who really gives a damn?) whilst I tend to other potentially greener pastures. Namely my studies.

Well......to the people that are still so patiently reading this wasteland, congrats. I'm back!

4:54 PM <3

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Dudes & Dudettes

Honestly......why the hell I'm still doing here? The Internet is a vile place where paedophiles & sodomites gather and discuss new ways to plug holes! Where nerds with zero social etiquette talk about ROFLMAOs and Pedo Bears! Where scams about free online gaming and poker take place!

But enough about that. I'm here updating this rather mouldy soapbox of mine with a new topic to talk about.

That subject is.............fines.

I'm sure that anyone Singaporean will tell you that Singapore is a 'fine' place to live in.

Listen carefully as I elaborate the word 'fine'.

There. Your key word to today's topic.

What's your take on fines? And the people that deal out these fines?

There. My shortest post ever!

3:56 PM <3

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dudes & Dudettes

Here's another post on my virtual soapbox.

This is one post where I won't mince my words. Because I know for certain that this particular individual I'll be talking about won't find this obscure blog of mine in a million years or two.

And I also know that he doesn't read blogs at all so that works in my favour.

Anyway, for that handful of readers that read this web page either weekly or daily(sometimes monthly), I'm pretty sure you know my personality in class; Quiet, non-confrontational, and pragmatic. Which I hope to keep it that way for a very long time.

But sometimes, certain unforeseen circumstances force me to take drastic measures & actions that require for me to act "out of character". Two of these characteristics that not many people see me as is me being competitive and me having a short fuse on random acts of hate.

You don't like me? Tell it to my face, I won't bite.

You have a problem at or with home/girls/money/boys/gender confusion? I don't want to listen to it unless you want to tell me.

You want a shoulder to cry on? I'll oblige, no sweat.

But instigate me without warning? Annoy me on purpose?

Fuck no.

So if you, Mr Colin Kok, want to play that game with me.........by all means, bring the shit on.

You threw that gauntlet down and I'll gladly accept it.

Just don't make things too easy for me, alright?

2:32 PM <3

Monday, June 8, 2009

Dudes & Dudettes

They say asserting your authority by force is the best way to get something from Point A to B.

Or to get fit.

Or to get things your way.

I strongly disagree with that way of thinking. I mean.........do we have the brains of Neanderthals to use physical violence for solving every issue? Seriously, I swear that all young people below my age have that Caveman mentality. It's most severe case involves those dudes/dudettes loitering on the void deck, smoking their fags and making a fool of themselves.

I hate to sound cliche, but young people nowadays are a disgrace.

On another subject, isn't corn fascinating? No matter what form you consume it, be it in solid form, liquid or semi liquid, it will still come up in your.........doodoo as a whole kernel.

Don't ask me how I knew it, just try it!

Just to finish off this post, here's an interesting metaphor to whet your brain juices; If youth be like the gentle & brief breeze of summer, then the middle age years of thy life be the frantic storms of winter.......

Or something like that.

8:04 PM <3

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dudes & Dudettes

When I started this blog I didn't want this to be like all the other blogs floating around cyberspace. If you do (and I know for certain that it's a common trait) blogging, you'll notice that all blogs talk about one thing only; events that happened to the person's day.

Honestly, I think it's stupid.

But that's for another post. The main topic I want to elaborate on is about speaking your mind.

Due to some unforeseen transactions that fell yesterday around 1600 hrs, I had an epiphany of sorts. But because of the aftermath of that incident, I only remembered that particular idea today.

What idea? You may ask.

If you ever pay attention to Singaporean mannerisms, you'll notice that we're a soft spoken bunch. Despite the arrogant/emotionally confused/just confused individuals that perpetuates our society, they will still keep mum on certain "taboo" subjects when someone quips in.

And the suprising part of this is it's happening to both the old & young generation!

Now I can bet some of you will say: Then you? You also Singaporean what. You so hao lian can swan us like free is it?

To be honest, yes.

Ever since I came out of my Mother's womb on the 2nd of June 1990 at around 1300 hours, I always held high regard for people that can speak their minds, despite the setbacks faced in different forms.

They had true courage.



And these can either be taught to you.

Or you can be born with it.

Me? I had to learn it the hard way in Primary School. In my school, it's either you're a Gangster, Nerd, Jock or a Joker.

I chose the Speaker. I spoke whatever the hell was on my mind, even though I stepped on people's toes on the way. Of course, I burned bridges along the way but what can you expect from an adolescent child? If you were a douche, I'd say you were a jackass.

Not happy about it? Tell it to me to my face. We'll settle our differences, if you want.

So to whoever reads this "random" post, do remember to speak your mind.

And to flip off whoever tells you you can't.

6:28 PM <3
